Author: Pablo D'Agliano

Valuation & Exchange Ratio Report regarding Enersis Americas potential merger with Endesa Americas and Chilectra Americas

Pablo D’Agliano, Managing Director of the independent Corporate Finance Advisory firm Providence Capital, was hired by Enersis Americas’ board of directors as Independent Expert in relation to Enersis Americas potential envisaged merger with Endesa Americas and Chilectra Americas. The assignment included the economic-financial valuation of a large number of operating and holding energy generation, transmission and distribution companies in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru; the estimation of the equity value of the three companies to be merged; and the subsequent calculation of the implied share Exchange Ratios in the event of a merger where Enersis Americas would be absorbing Endesa Americas and Chilectra Americas.

Providence Capital prepared a report named Valuation and Shares Exchange Ratio report to support Pablo D’Agliano’s opinions. This task required strong knowledge on financial modeling, economic-financial valuation techniques, accounting, tax and the energy industry, among others.



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